Cassowary Pen Drawing
Title: "Cassowary Drawing 1"
Introducing "Cassowary Drawing 1," a stunning pen drawing in black ink that beautifully captures the striking features of this enigmatic bird. Set against a pristine white background, the intricate details of the cassowary stand out in stark contrast, creating a visually captivating artwork.
As one of the oldest surviving bird species, the cassowary is a living relic, its existence dating back millions of years. Believed by some to be the closest living relative to dinosaurs, it serves as a powerful reminder of the mysteries of evolution and the resilience of life on Earth.
Hang "Cassowary Drawing 1" in your home or office to add a touch of natural elegance and intrigue to your space. Whether you're a fan of ornithology, an art enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the natural world, this exquisite drawing is sure to captivate your imagination and inspire wonder with its depiction of this fascinating creature.
Artwork size: 42x60cm. (A2)
Artwork requires framing behind glass.
Framing can be arranged for your convenience.
Create a matching pair with Cassowary Drawing 2 (Sold separately)
Original hand drawn artwork
- Archival quality textured paper, 250gsm
- Archival pigment liner ink pen
- Signed by the artist Naomi Veitch
- Artwork will require framing
- The copyright is not transferable with this sale. The artist will always retain all rights.
- Colours may vary from screen to print.